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Partner Agency Referrals

If you are a professional working within a partner organisation that is registered with us as a referral agency, you can make a referral using the applicable link below.

Age UK York referral login

Cancer Patient Support Outreach referral login [referrals from York Hospital & York Against Cancer only]

CYC referral login

GamCare referral login

Haxby Group referral login

HIS referral login

Kyra referral login

Priory Medical Group referral login

RAY referral login

THBL referral Login

Witness Service referral login

YCoS referral login

York CVS Social Prescriber referral login

York Energy Advice referral login

York Travellers Trust referral login

York Trussell Trust Food Bank referral login

If you are a partner agency and would like to register with us to be able to make direct referrals in to Citizens Advice York, please contact us and ask to speak to a supervisor.