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Call back / appointment request

This is a self-referral form only.
Referrals submitted by a 3rd party on this form will not be actioned.

***(Please note this form does not work if using City of York Council’s public-access wifi)***

This form allows you to request a call back from (or appointment with) an adviser. You can only use this form to request advice for yourself, not for someone else.

Please complete the form below and we will get back to you, normally within 5 working days (please note we may call from a withheld number). As the majority of our advice is delivered by volunteer advisers we cannot always guarantee a response within this timescale, so if your advice request is urgent, or has time limits, please call our Adviceline instead on 0808 278 7895.

Our advisers are only able to call you during normal office hours, Monday to Friday. If this is not convenient for you, you may prefer to request advice by e-mail instead.

Your information will be stored securely and confidentially in line with our privacy policies. For more information click here.

If you are assisting / seeking advice on behalf of another adult, please either call us on 0808 278 7895 (with them present if possible) or direct them to complete this form. For data protection reasons we cannot accept 3rd-party referrals using this form – please only complete this form if you are the person needing advice. Any referrals submitted by a 3rd-party using this form will not be actioned.

If other people have access to the device you are using, please be aware of the following measures to help protect your privacy:
  • After you submit the form, your browser (the software you use to surf the internet) may save the completed form until you completely close the tab – so make sure you close the tab completely in order to ‘wipe’ the form, don’t just minimise it.
  • When you complete an online form, some browsers save the answers you enter for certain questions to make it quicker when completing forms in future. If you don’t want other people using your device to access this, either change your browser settings first, or clear your saved form data in your browser settings afterwards. Alternatively, using your browser’s ‘Private Browsing’ function (sometimes called ‘Secret Mode’) usually stops your browser from storing your form data.
  • Browsers usually store details of which web pages you have accessed. If you don’t want other people to know that you have visited our site, clear your browsing history when you are done. Alternatively, using your browser’s ‘Private Browsing’ function (sometimes called ‘Secret Mode’) usually stops your browser from storing your browsing history.
  • If you are not confident using this online form safely, you can call us on 0808 278 7895 (Mon-Thurs, 10am-4pm) instead.

Call-back form
This service is available to all City of York Council area residents. If you are street homeless, simply type 'Homeless' above. [NB if you are not resident within the York area we may refer you to your local Citizens Advice for contact. Find your local Citizens Advice at]
This helps us to create & find your file on our secure system.

This service is available to City of York Council area residents only

If you are not resident within the York local authority area, this form may not allow you to continue. You will instead need to contact your local Citizens Advice.

If you live elsewhere in North Yorkshire - contact Citizens Advice North Yorkshire.

If you live in East Riding of Yorkshire - contact Citizens Advice Hull & East Riding.

If you live somewhere else, you can search for your local Citizens Advice using this search tool.

We have an outreach drop-in service in your area

The post code you have entered indicates that you live in the Westfield Ward area. We have a local drop-in advice service in your area every Friday & alternate Thursday, where you can see our Westfield outreach adviser for help & advice on a range of issues.

This might be a quicker / easier option for you than waiting for a call back or appointment in central York.

For details see our Westfield Ward Outreach page.

Declaration: *
May we write to you about your advice query if we need to?
By providing a phone number you confirm that you are happy to be contacted on it, for advice purposes only.
May we leave a:
Enter again to confirm
Consent to e-mail contact:
If someone else answers the phone, can we tell them who is calling?
E.g. alternative phone number, language requirements, or other contact instructions.
If any particular deadline applies to your enquiry - e.g. court date, eviction or time limit for returning a form - please include this above.
Which of the below does your query relate to (tick as appropriate)?
Depending on your answer, a few extra questions may appear below. This allows us to process your request as quickly as possible. Please answer the questions as fully as you can to avoid delays, as we need this information in order to process your request.

Is your request urgent?

Please note it can sometimes take a few days for us to process queries, so we may not be able to respond to your request for a Food Bank Voucher right away.

If you need a Food Bank voucher urgently, you can call the Help through Hardship Helpline instead on:

0808 208 2138 (freephone)
(open Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm, excluding Bank Holidays)

The Help through Hardship Helpline can issue a Food Bank Voucher there & then over the phone, and also discuss any additional financial support that might be available.

This allows us to check our system to ensure that we are not advising the other party (we are required to make sure that we do not have a conflict of interest before we give advice). If you don't know their name, simply write 'not known' above.
This allows us to check our system to ensure that we are not advising the other party (we are required to make sure that we do not have a conflict of interest before we give advice). If you don't know their date of birth or post code, simply write 'not known' above.
If we have a conflict of interest, we may need to refer you to a different local Citizens Advice for advice on your issue.

*** April 2024 voucher scheme update ***

Unfortunately there are insufficient funds remaining in our budget under this scheme this month to issue any further supermarket or fuel vouchers in April.

The City of York Council allocates a fixed monthly budget to CAY advisers, once that budget has been used CAY are unable to issue further vouchers during the month. The demand on the voucher scheme is so big that CAY has now exceeded the budget allocated to us by the council. As a result of this we are unable to issue any further vouchers this month (April).

It may be possible for us to consider further requests for help with fuel costs through this scheme next month, please contact us through our website here in the new calendar month:

However, in the meantime you may be able to apply for help with energy costs through the York Financial Assistance Scheme (YFAS) instead - details at:

You can also request a Food Bank Voucher in the meantime by calling the Help Through Hardship Helpline on 0808 208 2138.

Please note: We are unable to issue more than one supermarket / fuel voucher per household in the 2024-25 financial year (April-March).

Any additional requests will regrettably be declined. This is due to tighter rules introduced by the scheme (external to Citizens Advice), for budget reasons, beyond our control.

We may however still be able to help in other ways (e.g. help with benefits / income maximisation, specialist debt advice, or referral to the food bank) - so if you are struggling financially please do still get in touch and we will be happy to explore other help available.

This form will now ask for a few initial details about your circumstances and your reasons for requiring an emergency voucher.

*** Please note, this is a limited, discretionary fund and we cannot guarantee that a voucher will be issued. We are only able to issue vouchers to people with a genuine emergency need for food or energy - e.g. those with no food or are about to run out of food with no means of purchasing more, or who are unavoidably in energy arrears / at risk of disconnection. Regrettably we are therefore unable to fund non-essentials such as additional Christmas-related expenses. ***

Please note, the voucher scheme is provided by City of York Council, who set certain requirements for the scheme. In order to comply with these requirements:

After submitting this form, we will attempt to contact you to carry out an assessment with you (either over the phone or in person) to check your eligibility for the voucher scheme, and identify any additional financial support to help you on a longer-term basis. This will take around 5-10 minutes. We will need ask you for the some information, including:

  • Details of your household income (including what if any benefits you receive);
  • Your rent amount (if applicable);
  • Your water bill amount;
  • Whether you get any reductions on your Council Tax (if you aren't sure, you can find this information on your latest Council Tax bill).

We will contact you as soon as we can to carry out this assessment, however please note during busy periods this might take a few days.

We are unable to issue any vouchers without first assessing you.

In order to be issued with a fuel or supermarket voucher, you will need to provide evidence your name, address and income (you will be sent a link by e-mail allowing you to upload this).

This must include at least two documents from the following list:

  • Driving licence
  • Passport
  • CitizenCard
  • Biometric Residence Permit / Card
  • Council Tax bill
  • Utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Payslip
  • Benefit award notice
  • Screenshot of your Universal Credit payment breakdown

If you are unable to upload these (e.g. because you do not have access to e-mail) we can arrange for these to be brought in to our office.

Are you able to provide the above ID documents electronically?
Supermarket vouchers can only be issued to people / households in food poverty:
The supermarket voucher that we issue comes in the form of an e-card (either Aldi, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsburys or Asda) to redeem at the store. It is not valid at Petrol Station sites or for purchase alcohol, tobacco products, lottery or fireworks.
Fuel vouchers can only be issued to people / households in fuel poverty:
We need your consent to record any health information.
Please indicate below how many people are in your household in each age group. Include EVERYONE in the household, INCLUDING yourself:

(By 'household' we mean people living in your home as part of your family unit)

What does your household income consist of?
Which benefits do you currently receive?
Do you have any savings?
Which of the following household bills are you responsible for paying?
Which (if any) of the following reductions / discounts do you receive on your Council Tax?
(Specify if this is per week, per month, per quarter or per year)
Is your water bill based on:
(Your latest water bill should indicate which)
Is your broadband / internet part of an internet-only contract, or part of a package deal (e.g. with phone, TV, etc)?
(Specify if this is per week, per month, per quarter or per year)
(Specify if this is per week, per month, per quarter or per year)
Do you rent from:
Do you (or anyone in your household) have any dietary requirements?
We need your consent for Citizens Advice York and York Food Bank to record details of your dietary requirements:
We need your consent to refer you to York Food Bank:

York Trussell Trust Food Bank Fair Processing Notice

The food bank uses your personal information to help understand your needs and provide you with emergency food. The food bank and the Trussell Trust have a legitimate interest to use information about you to show how food banks are being used and why they are needed.

Access to your information is restricted and can only be seen by the agencies who refer you, and authorised people in the Trussell Trust food bank network who need to do so for food bank reasons.

To find out more about your rights or about how the food bank keeps your information safe, please ask the food bank to give you a copy of their privacy statement.

We need your consent to share your information with City of York Council and Charis Grants in order to issue a voucher:
What type of form do you need help completing?
This can usually be found on the front page of the form, or on the letter that came with it.
Which benefit does the decision relate to?
This is usually near the top right hand corner of the decision letter itself.
To help us to process your debt query as quickly as possible, we need to ask a few more questions. Please answer as fully as you can. If you don't know the answer to a question, enter / select 'don't know':

(By 'household' we mean people living in your home as part of your family unit)

Are the debts in your name (either solely or jointly)?
Do you agree that you owe the debt/s?
Are any of the debts business debts (i.e. owed by / in relation to a business that you own or run)?
Have you ever received debt advice before?
Have you tried and failed to set up a payment plan, or set up a payment plan but failed to keep up payments?
Do you have a County Court Judgement (CCJ) or High Court Judgement (HCJ) against you?
List all the debts that you know of. If you don't know the exact amounts, you can enter an estimate.
Do you have any savings?
Do you own any assets, such as car (excluding disability-adapted vehicle), a house or flat, or other high-value asset?
If you don't know the exact amounts, you can enter an estimate.
After getting your income and then deducting your expenses, how much money do you have left over each month?
Do you have any of the following emergencies (tick any that apply):
Are you confident dealing with letters and forms in your day-to-day life?
Do you have internet access, and are you happy using it on your own?

Please upload a copy of your tenancy agreement

If your query relates to a tenancy (e.g. ending a tenancy, eviction, rent increase, disrepair, succession, deposit issues, problems with your landlord, or other issues to do with a rented property) then we will usually need to see a copy of your tenancy agreement (the contract you signed with the landlord) in order to best advise.

The tenancy agreement is usually a very important document in housing queries, even if it might not seem like it. We may not be able to advise in much detail without it.

Please use the document upload button below to upload a copy of your tenancy agreement (if it's on paper, you can take photos of each page) if you can.

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Alongside our core service, we have some outreach advisers that work with particular groups of people. Please indicate if you are any of the following: *
This information helps us to allocate your query to an adviser more quickly and identify any further support that might be available to you.

Did you know...?

We have an outreach service operating at York Medical Group, where our adviser offers appointments every week within the surgery.

Appointments are booked by York Medical Group - contact your surgery and request and ask for a appointment with the Citizens Advice Adviser.


Did you know...?

We have an outreach service operating at Jorvik Gillygate Practice, where our adviser offers appointments every week within the surgery.

Appointments are booked by Jorvik Gillygate Practice - contact your surgery and request and ask for a appointment with the Citizens Advice Adviser.


Did you know...?

We have an outreach service operating at Yorkshire Building Society (York branch), where our adviser offers appointments 2 days a week within the branch.

Appointments are booked by Yorkshire Building Society - call them on 01904 569 018 or visit the branch and ask for an appointment with the Citizens Advice adviser.


We need your consent to record medical information.

Under data protection law, if you have mentioned any medical information - including sickness, pregnancy or disability - we'll need your explicit consent to record this. You can give consent by ticking the 'health or disability information' box below.

If you give us any health, disability or ethnicity information, we need your explicit consent to record this:
This question is completely optional. It helps us to monitor our client demographic statistics in order to ensure that we are accessible to all members of the community. It may also, if relevant to your query, assist us in giving you relevant advice.
This question is completely optional. It helps us to monitor our client demographic statistics in order to ensure that we are accessible to all members of the community. It may also, if relevant to your query, assist us in giving you relevant advice.
This question is completely optional. It helps us to monitor our client demographic statistics in order to ensure that we are accessible to all members of the community.
Do you have any debts?
How much do you owe in debt?
Do you wish to be contacted by the Money Advice Team to help deal with your debt?
Are there any gambling concerns in your household? (optional)
This question is completely optional. We can offer / refer you for additional support to help with gambling issues. Our adviser will discuss this with you when they get in touch.
Can Citizens Advice / Citizens Advice York contact you to ask for feedback about the service you have received? (optional):
Sometimes we use a trusted research organisation to do this. We’ll decide who we contact for feedback based on the services you used and the advice area. We may also use your Special Category Data so that we hear from different groups.
Would you prefer a:
Please note while we will endeavour to meet your preferences, our resources are limited and so we cannot guarantee that we will be able to offer you your preferred format. We occasionally record calls for training and quality purposes.
Please note we only have appointment availability on weekdays up to 3pm. We are not currently able to offer appointments in evenings, at weekends, or on bank holidays.

How your appointment will be arranged

When you click 'submit' below, your enquiry will be placed on our face-to-face referral list. In the next few days we will send you a text message with an appointment day, time and venue.

We will, wherever possible, attempt to ensure that the appointment is in line with your availability, but as our service is in the main delivered by volunteers this cannot be guaranteed.

Once we have notified you of your appointment, we would ask that if you are unable to attend you contact our admin line on 01904 623648 (this number will be in the text message that we send you) to cancel/rearrange your appointment. This will allow us to offer it to another client.

How your appointment will be arranged

When you click 'submit' below, your enquiry will be placed on our face-to-face referral list. In the next few days we will send you an e-mail with an appointment day, time and venue.

We will, wherever possible, attempt to ensure that the appointment is in line with your availability, but as our service is in the main delivered by volunteers this cannot be guaranteed.

Once we have notified you of your appointment, we would ask that if you are unable to attend you contact our admin line on 01904 623648 to cancel/rearrange your appointment. This will allow us to offer it to another client.

This is a self-referral form only.
Referrals that have clearly been submitted by a 3rd party on this form will not be actioned.